Right 2 Survive is a group of houseless and formerly houseless individuals and supporters dedicated to teaching about and defending the human, civil and constitutional rights of people experiencing homelessness.

Overall, the following are our list of goals we work towards every day:

  1. To empower the un-sheltered, the disenfranchised, those of color, oppressed minorities, and those who are being treated like criminals because of their poverty.

  2. To use the legal process to obtain use of public lands, buildings and resources for the purpose of helping people (not corporations and the politically favored).

  3. To proclaim/protect the rights of those, capitalism has left behind.

  4. To facilitate creative use of under-utilized private spaces and resources for the purpose of getting people off the streets

  5. To shine a light on police brutality of marginalized communities.

  6. To force government to reduce waste.

  7. To form, bartering, green communities!