The Keys Beats Bars: From Pier to Peer’s Music Video Program currently taking place up until Summer 2024 is offered to underserved youth throughout the Portland Metro area.
Programming is taking place at polycentric sites with key partners such as Ascending Flow Youth Organization and 1 World Chorus.
Anticipated outcomes are to provide free audio visual programming workshops to youth participants and will result in several professional quality music videos, songs as well as public events (COVID permitting) and livestream events.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and check out our video series!
Our program instructors share their expertise in the music they create and instruments they play, as well as the historical and cultural aspects of the music they teach with the goal of encouraging youth to discover what music they are interested in and to expand their cultural knowledge of the roots and origins of the music they already love.
The video series touches base on things like playing the congas, the drumset, lyric writing, beatmaking, piano, Indigenous dance and more!
Focuses on helping youth find their creative flow and gives them the opportunity to turn their passion into a business license. We want to show that art is important to the community!
The goals of the program are as follows:
Produce FIVE songs and upload to platforms
Create one video project and enter into film festival.
Create your own business and open a bank account.
Throw a show collectively together.
Launch your site, sell your product, and become a self-made artist!
Take the Power Back is a KBB series of socially responsible arts projects that kicked off with an EP with hip hop artist Mic Crenshaw and singer/songwriter David Rovics featuring Opium Sabbah that launched in March 2022.
After the release of the first EP, the series will continue to feature multimedia music and video projects created by socially conscious artists speaking about and supporting different social and environmental justice causes.