Alejandro IV Barragan

Multimedia Artist



Alejandro IV Barragan Multimedia Artist Filmmaker Photographer

Image of multimedia artist, Alejandro IV Barragan.

Alejandro is a multimedia artist, photographer and filmmaker. He moved to the United States from Mexico in order to obtain his degree in Journalism and Communication at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

In 2001 he created Danzas Mexicanas, an ongoing project that focus on studies, articles and short documentaries about origins of Mexican culture. The project is primarily researched and produced by Alejandro. Over the years the project has gained popularity, and collaborations with professionals in the areas of anthropology and archeology have made the project bigger and relevant.

In 2005 he won best picture in the international film festival Snow Dance with a documentary “Look again: An impressionistic interpretation of the site-specific performance project.” Work took him to New York where he opened a studio in Brooklyn. In 2014 Alejandro founded Inner City Times, a cultural Hispanic organization. Currently he resides in Portland, Oregon working on three documentaries.