Adam Carpinelli




Adam Carpinelli Multi-Instrumentalist Advocate Scholar

As a musician, educator and aspiring filmmaker, Adam Carpinelli composes and performs music that integrates musical genres from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean with jazz and funk. Part of his journey as a multi instrumentalist has been inspired by playing and studying with West African Master Drummers such as Obo Addy from Ghana and Massamba Diop from Baaba Maal's band.

In the community, he works tirelessly to create spaces where Black and brown artists can share their music, voices, and culture. He has worked in public schools in the Portland area and continues to work with underserved and incarcerated in Oregon.

Upon attaining his Master’s in Pan-African Studies at Syracuse University, Adam has lectured undergraduate courses and presented at national conferences across the country on topics such as music, social change, world history and African studies.